Saturday, September 25, 2010

Submission Guidelines

Please send submissions and inquiries to

         Twatterr seeks submissions and voices that engage with feminism, anti-racism, ableism, trans issues, queer issues, native issues, prisoner’s rights, and other anti-oppressive topics.  Contributions should engage these topics through various lenses; pop culture, public policy, current events, advertising, art, literature, are just a couple examples of what we’re looking for. From vajazzled vaginas to the Harper government’s gross misconduct – we want to read, reflect on, deconstruct, respond to and create conversation on our lived social realities. While topics are by no means limited to Canadian affairs, we also believe that there is a lot of alternately scary and awesome stuff going on North of the 49th, where we live, and we want to provide a Canadian alternative to the American-centric feminist blogosphere we frequent.

Tone and Content:
            We prefer fresh and sassy to academic writing; but, please, don’t sacrifice ideas for style. Also, we prioritize submissions that are timely.  If you submit a piece we like but perhaps won’t be able to use – we’ll contact you and ask for a more relevant contribution or perhaps to become a regular contributor.

Pitch Ideas
- Reviews of Gender/Women/Sexual Diversity Programs in Canada
- Profile of activists, community organizations, or professors and their work
- A personal history of your own consciousness raising, activism, coming out etc.
- A profile of your activist, queer, or radical community
- Exciting events happening across our communities

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